College Preparatory Economics with Mr. Sweeney

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ESSAY III - Baby Formula

Baby Formula and Baby Food Essay III

 Due:  May 1 - 4


Babies change so quickly. How much do they eat in the first year?

ESSAY III  Consumer Analysis:  Baby Formula


Essay III - Baby Formula Essay  

Most of you will one day become parents. This essay is designed to exercise your analytical skills and provide some sound economic choices when buying baby formula.   Use the question and answer format when writing this essay;   i.e.  Question 1)  then your answer,  question 2)  then your answer;  question 3) then your answer etc. (Type in 12 font or larger)

20 points re: Q&A

There are several brands of baby formula on the market. They can be priced and analyzed at local drug, discount and grocery stores. However, if you choose to purchase them and take them home for easier study check with that retailer and make sure that you can simply return the purchase with your receipt in undamaged condition for a full refund (do not trust "Toys R Us" if you buy any products there. Their refund policy is not usually followed and you will risk not getting a refund!).
When you make your analysis and write the essay, you can use any brand of formula you like; i.e. Enfamil, Similac, Isomil, Prosobee, Carnation, Parents Choice etc.


You will need to figure out the cost per ounce of each stage of readiness and compare the nutritional analysis (indicated on the item label) of two types of formula listed below in question # 2.

Choose two brands of formula.  One brand must be soy based and the other brand cow's milk based formula.


1)  Formulas are also available in major department stores like Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart, etc. These formulas are sold in three (3) different stages of readiness.  You must tell me the brand name, price and container size (the number of ounces in that container) for each of the following:

a)  Ready to Use    (provide brand name, price for and number of ounces in that container)
b)  Concentrate      (provide brand name, price for and number of ounces in that container)
c)  Powder              (provide brand name, price for and number of ounces in that container)     15 POINTS

2) Compare the nutritional analysis of the same stage of readiness between the two. How are they different? List the significant differences and offer an explanation why this is so. Why would someone choose soy formula over cow's milk formula?      15 POINTS
3) Now, choose either soy or cow’s milk formula and compare the cost savings of each stage of readiness to the other: i.e. which stage is the most economical form of readiness, the next and the least economical?  FIGURE OUT THE COST PER OUNCE FOR EACH OF THE THREE STAGES. You must have 3 SEPARATE - per ounce prices for your formula (one for ready to use, one for concentrate and one for powder for either soy or cow’s milk formula). 40 POINTS
4) Figure that your baby will consume 4 ounces of formula every 3 hours and using your cost analysis of the three stages of readiness (from above), calculate the cost of consumption for one day; one week; one month; and one year for each of the three types (ready to use, concentrate and powder).     40 POINTS
5) Why are there three stages of readiness for formula?  List as many reasons as you can think of.  What are the benefits and drawbacks of choosing one stage over another? 



 6) Include your math work indicating how you arrived at the price per ounce for each item on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. All math must be correctly shown to achieve full credit.        20 POINTS
7) What did you learn from this experience?      30 POINTS

Do your own work. Prices must come from retail stores not from the web. If you have any questions, ask me. Good luck, this should be a fun experience. It is worth 200 points. REMEMBER, NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED.