MICROECONOMICS - An Introduction to Economics and the Economy
UNIT 1: Ch. 1 The Nature and Method of Economics - 2 meetings
Ch. 2 The Economizing Problem - 2 meetings
Ch. 3 Individual Markets: Supply & Demand - 2 meetings
Ch. 4 The Market System - 2 meetings
Microeconomics of Product Markets
UNIT 2: Ch. 20 Supply and Demand: Elasticities and Government
Set Prices - 2 meetings
Ch. 21 Consumer Behavior and Utility Maximization - 2 meetings
Ch. 22 The Costs of Production - 2 meetings
Ch. 23 Pure Competition - 2 meetings
Ch. 24 Pure Monopoly - 2 meetings
Ch. 25 Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly - 2 meetings
Microeconomics of Resource Markets
Ch. 27 The Demand for Resources - 2 meetings
Ch. 28 Wage Determination - 2 meetings
Ch. 29 Rent, Interest, and Profit - 2 meetings
Microeconomics of Government
Ch. 30 Government and Market Failure - 1 meeting
Ch. 31 Public Choice Theory and the Economics of Taxation - 2 meetings
A chapter guide will be available on my web site listed under "CHAPTER ASSIGNMENTS ". Each assigned chapter
will indicate what you need to read and know; which home learning questions are required for your notebook; and when
they are due.
1st quarter progress report:
1st quarter ends:
2nd quarter progress report:
2nd quarter & 1st semester ends: